Monday, May 28, 2012

Thank you.

This concludes Kafka's Zurau Aphorisms. I hope that you have found something of interest here, and that my commentary, if not profound, was at least not too irritating.

Thank you for your interest.


Alan Zhong said...

Thanks for the insight. There's nothing I enjoy from Kafka more than his aphorisms.

Noel said...
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Noel said...

Thank you for posting this. Your commentary is often very interesting, and not irritating after the first 25ish aphorisms -- at which point you seem to drop the "oh, this is typical, this is stock" comments and get a sense for the elan of the thing.

johan said...

Tout l'art de Kafka est d'obliger le lecteur à relire. Ses dénouements, ou ses absences de dénouement, suggèrent des explications, mais qui ne sont pas révélées en clair et qui exigent, pour apparaître fondées, que l'histoire soit relue sous un nouvel angle. Quelquefois, il y a une double possibilité d'interprétation, d'où apparaît la nécessité de deux lectures. C'est ce que cherchait l'auteur. Mais on aurait tort de vouloir tout interpréter dans le détail chez Kafka.
Albert Camus, Le Mythe de Sisyphe.

But thanks a lot for this blog.

в. said...

Thanks very much for creating this blog. I shall be perusing all the aphorisms in the next while.

John Farrell said...

Dear Michael,

Thanks so much for creating this extremely helpful and interesting blog. I am giving a course this semester on Freud, Kafka, and Musil and I will be directing my students to it.

All the best,
John Farrell